Course Description

Global Fashion in China
DES 131, DEA 198, Summer Abroad 2019, SSI

Stationed in the Yangtze Delta Area – the birthplace of silk and now the hub of modern fashion and textile production in China, students will explore museums to study Chinese traditional costumes and their influence on global fashion development and visit factories to investigate the latest apparel and textile facilities where many internationally recognized fashion brands are made. With a flexible summer schedule, students can shop at textile markets, interact with local designers and dealers, visit the famous oriental gardens in the region, or relax in town to observe the lifestyles where the deep roots of Chinese civilization meet western influence.

Highlights include:

  • Live and study in China to gain a better understanding of Chinese culture.
  • Investigate how design is implemented at production sites.
  • Experience how design thrives at cultural crossroads enhanced by technology.
  • Evaluate the social responsibilities of fashion designers in this trend-driven industry.

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