Business Services


Business Services
Purchasing, Honoraria, Reimbursements, Travel
The Arts Administrative Group

Get help with purchasing, reimbursements, travel & entertainment, check pick-up, hiring students, posting jobs, office supplies and more. 


If you need to buy something, use our online PrePurchasing site. Log in using your UCD (Kerberos) ID, complete the form, add any URLs, then press “submit.” You will need to include the account being charged.

The form will route to our staff, who will order the items you request, or contact you if more information is needed. Marisa Kline is the primary person responsible for purchasing. Contact her if you need to follow up on an order.


To request reimbursement for supplies purchased, please use this form. Complete the information and print it out, then submit to Thomas Dean along with your itemized receipt. Note that reimbursements cannot exceed $499.

Travel & Entertainment

Please see MyTravel for information about reimbursement of travel or entertainment expenses. We have related forms available here. To submit receipts by email, see these instructions. Contact Daniel Cordova with any travel-related questions.

Need help setting up your travel delegates? It’s a good idea to designate Daniel Cordova, Heather Bosworth, Kali Sullivan, and Marisa Kline as your delegates at MyTravel/Connexus to make sure they will be able to process your travel reports. They will be able to troubleshoot if there are problems. (See the “Create a Delegate” tutorial there for details.)

Interested in getting a corporate card to use for your travel and entertainment expenses? This card lets you avoid paying out of pocket. Get Information and apply for the U.S. VISA corporate card.

Check pick-up

Need to pick up your check? See Daniel Cordova in the Business Office. Remember that the quickest way to receive your payments is to set up direct deposit for both reimbursement and payroll checks. This is easily done by using the UC Davis online Direct Deposit Service.

Hiring students, posting jobs

Want to hire an undergraduate student? If you are hiring a student who has work study, use our new Work Study Hire form to speed up the process. We have a similar form to use for non-work study hiring; both forms are completed online and route to the payroll staff when submitted.

Contact the Payroll Coordinators with your questions about hiring an undergraduate. For new positions, you will need to provide a job description and required qualifications, along with your preferred hourly rate. We are required to post a vacancy listing for each position, which the payroll coordinator will do. All students must be hired through this process before they start working (UCD policy).

Want to hire a graduate student on your research account? Please contact the Graduate Advisers.

Want to hire a Reader for one of your courses? After getting your chair’s or director’s approval (including the number of hours authorized), contact the Graduate Advisers and they will process the appointment.


Want to pay an honorarium to your guest speaker? Use our online honorarium requests form. Please contact Thomas Dean if you have questions.

Grants and Awards

If you are applying for an extramural grant or gift, please talk to Kali Sullivan, TAAG Finance Manager. It is best to talk to the Nancy before you apply, so she can help you with the process and can ensure that policies are followed regarding outside funding.


The primary key assigner for faculty and staff is Marisa Kline (168 Everson). Key hours are from 1:30–3:00 p.m., and by appointment. If Marisa is not available, other staff in the Business office will help you. Cruess Hall and Theatre & Dance are exceptions: Most Cruess keys are obtained from the Tool Room Supervisor (101 Cruess). Susie Owens manages keys for Wright Hall, Wyatt Pavilion, Della Davidson and Hickey Gym 185.

Key Cards for the Art Annex can be issued by Blue G Manley. For individual or class Art Building key cards, please click here.

For after-hours access to buildings, call Custodial Operations, Building Unlocking and Locking Services: 754-0122.


Need basic office supplies, or have a special request? Ask staff in your building for basic supplies. We also have many lightly used office supplies in our storage room (Art 56), so check there first, before you buy folders, hanging files, staplers, or tape dispensers.

Textbook Orders

A call for textbook orders comes out from Marisa Kline about 6-8 weeks prior to the quarter. In order to request textbooks, please give the following information to Marisa: 

Expected Enrollment (if you know it)
Book Title
Is the book required, optional, or recommended?
Do you need desk copies? If so, how many? 

If you have questions or need to follow up, please contact Marisa.

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Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang

Art Studio Program

Melody Chiang

Cinema and
Digital Media

Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang

and Dance

Melody Chiang

Performance Studies

Melody Chiang
