Mayumi Hama, marimba Chris Froh, marimba and UC Davis lecturer in music with students of the UC Davis Percussion Ensemble
Keiko Abe: Variations on Japanese Children’s Songs
Emmanuel Sejourné: Khamsin
Eric Whitacre: Sleep
Keiko Abe: Conversation in the Forest I
— Intermission —
Yoshio Hachimura: Movement I from Ahania
Toshiya Sukegawa: “He Who Runs Swiftly” from 5 Pieces After Paul Klee
Zoë A. Wallace: History Teaches PREMIERE
Joseph Donald Peterson: Dovetailing PREMIERE
Guang Yang: Wooden Skeleton’s Whimsicals PREMIERE
Conlon Nancarrow: Study No. 5 PREMIERE
Selected performances from the music department’s film archives can be viewed on the department’s YouTube channel.
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