Undergraduate Courses, Music


Music Courses
Welcome to UC Davis Music!

Interested in majoring in music? Whatever your experience level, we have a class for you. The first step is to take a music theory placement test; we’ll offer this test as an in-person event at 11:00 am on Monday, September 23, 2024, in Room 115 of the Music Building. A sample placement test is available if you’d like to see what kind of material will be on the test. For additional questions regarding Music 6, please contact Sam Nichols.

Theory. We use the placement test to figure out which music theory class will be the right fit for you. Students who need to do some preparatory work with music fundamentals before enrolling in Music 6A (Elementary Music Theory) will first take Music 3A (Intro to Music Theory). Music 3A will prepare students for Music 6A. Please note that Music 6A is offered only once per year, and it is offered in Winter Quarter. Music 3A is generally offered every quarter. 

Musicianship. Anyone who’s interested in majoring in music should plan on taking a 2-unit musicianship course in the Fall Quarter, and for every quarter during their first two years in the major. (Music 16A, 16B, 16C during the first year, Music 17A, 17B, 17C in the second year). Currently, the musicianship class begins with Music 16A in the fall. However, please note that a new Intro to Musicianship class is being developed (Music 13), and once it’s approved it will become the first course in the musicianship sequence.

Overview of current first-year theory and musicianship classes:

  • Musicianship: 13 (Fall) – 16A (Winter) – 16B (Spring)
  • Theory: 3A, but only if needed (Fall) – 6A (Winter) – 6B (Spring)

** As of fall 2023, MUS 2 is no longer required for the major.

** Please note that MUS 6C has been discontinued.

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