Artist’s Statement: After a conventional education reading
history at the University of California, Berkeley and Stanford
University, I switched course, educated myself as a book designer
and calligrapher, taking the last letterpress class offered at
Oakland’s Laney Trade School and studying with the calligrapher
Arne Wolf.
Dolph Gotelli, Professor Emeritus of Design, initiated the visual
presentation program when he began his teaching career in 1970.
He is also the Founder and Director emeritus of the Design
Museum, where he was the curator. During his tenure he designed
scores of innovative exhibitions for the Northern California
community including shopping bags, American souvenirs, Halloween
collectibles, international folk toys, masks, Santa Claus and
edible art. Under Gotelli’s direction, the museum has received an
international reputation for cutting edge installations featuring
theme exhibitions.
Professor and architect Patricia Harrison focuses her research on
the design of housing and other service facilities for low-income
families in non-urban communities. To accomplish her research she
collaborates with nonprofit housing and community groups to
develop affordable housing projects.
Ph.D. in textiles and clothing, with a minor in sociology, at Texas Woman’s UniversityB.S. in textiles and clothing at the University of Texas at Austin
Gyöngy Laky, San Francisco sculptor, is a past recipient of a
National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, she was also one of
the first textile artists to be commissioned by the Federal
Art-in-Architecture Program. Laky’s work is in many permanent
collections including the San Francisco MOMA, The Smithsonian’s
Renwick Museum of American Art, the Philadelphia Museum of Art,
the Oakland Museum, the Contemporary Museum in Honolulu and
others. She exhibits her work nationally and internationally.
Chair Designate and Department Chair – Dept. of Environmental
Design. Principal investigator, CAES – Agricultural Experiment
Station Projects. Adviser, master adviser, and adviser re:
Education Abroad (Scandinavia).
Victoria Z. Rivers is engaged in textiles research ranging from
the producing and exhibiting of dyed and embellished textile
artworks to researching and publishing subjects on South and
Southeast Asian textiles, to curating exhibitions.
M.F.A. Textiles, Wayne State UniversityA.B. Anthropology, Stanford University
Ann Savageau has exhibited widely, both nationally and
internationally. She has had 17 solo exhibitions and
78 group exhibitions. National exhibition venues include The
Detroit Institute of Arts; Long Beach Arts; the University of
Wisconsin, Madison; The Textile Workshop, Santa Fe, New Mexico;
and the Craftsmen’s Guild of Mississippi. International
exhibitions include “K-18 Stoffwechsel,” Kassel, Germany;
Editions Gallery, Perth, Australia; Third International
Exhibition of Miniature Textiles, London, England.
Ph.D. Architecture and Human Factors Engineering, University of MichiganM.F.A. Industrial Design University of Illinois, Champaign UrbanaM. Arch. University of Illinois, Champaign UrbanaB.S. Faculty of Engineering, Carleton University
Jo Ann Stabb is a designer, author and lecturer focusing on the
field of fashion and wearable art. She served on the Design
faculty of the University of California, Davis, for 34 years
(1968–2002) teaching clothing, fashion, historic costume,
ethnographic costume, and contemporary wearable design. Her
creative work has been exhibited throughout the United States and
internationally in Austria, France, England, South Korea, and
Kathryn Sylva is an associate professor of Design She earned her
B.A. in Art Studio from UC Davis and an M.F.A. in Photography
from the San Francisco Art Institute.
Professor Sylva’s research includes two large visual
communication projects, one on eating disorders and the other on
the American eugenics movement. She also collaborates with
researchers in nutrition in using visual presentation strategies
to enhance the effectiveness of health and nutrition educational
and research materials.