The Cinema and Digital Media (CDM) program combines the study of
audio-visual and digital media, theories about such media, and
the relevant modes of artistic practice and production. CDM
integrates the analysis of audio-visual and digital texts with
their theoretical underpinnings and their methods of production.
The program also addresses the particular impact that technology
has on culture in its many forms and fields.
CDM faculty teach and research on various histories, theories,
and practices of media. Current fields for teaching and research
in cinema and digital media include the history and analysis of
film and video, film and video production, electronic music,
digital content creation and design, the digital arts, community
media and activism, computer graphics, animation, and gaming—as
well as the theories and politics of these various areas.
The Program
Preparatory course work involves a solid introduction to the
history, ideas and current trends in cinema and digital media.
For depth subject matter, students in the major select a
combination of critical studies and creative production courses.
Two courses will be selected from the production/programming
distribution, two from the theory/history distribution and four
will be elected by the student, allowing them to take up to six
production courses or six studies/theory classes, should they so
choose. See the CDM Major checklist (see link below) for
complete details.
Career Possibilities
Cinema and Digital Media is designed to prepare graduates to be
highly adaptable analytical thinkers, collaborative,
multi-skilled and current with the latest developments in media
and technology. Perhaps most importantly is self-motivation:
students do best when fueled by their own passions and plot their
own directions, while held to very high standards. We feel this
is the best education for living and working in a complex,
rapidly changing world. Final research papers and creative
production portfolios will provide graduate school admissions
committees, employers or clients with tangible evidence of Cinema
and Digital Media graduates’ track records and talents.
A.B. Major Requirements
Preparatory Subject Matter (25 units)
Cinema and Technocultural Studies 12, 20 (9 units)
Choose two courses from the following (8 units): Cinema and
Technocultural Studies 40A, 40B, 41A, 41B; Film Studies 45
Choose two courses from the following (8 units): Film
Studies 1; Technocultural Studies 1 or 5
Depth Subject Matter (37-38 units)
Film Studies 127 or Cinema and Technocultural Studies 150 (5
Choose two courses from the following (8 units): Art
Studio 114A, 114B, 114C, 117; Cinema and
Technocultural Studies 116, 124E, 174; Technocultural
Studies 100, 101, 103, 104, 111, 112, 113, 115, 121, 122, 123,
125, 130, 131, 170A-E, 175, 192, 198, 199
Choose two courses from the following (8 units): Cinema
and Technocultural Studies 146A, 147A, 150; Film Studies
120, 121, 121S, 124, 125, 127, 129, 142, 176A, 189, 194H, 195H,
198, 199; Science and Technology Studies
160; Technocultural Studies 151, 152, 155, 158, 159.
Some courses are identified as fulfilling more than one
requirement; a given course can only fulfill one such
Plus four additional courses chosen from the lists above for a
total of at least (16 units)
Total Units for the Major (62-63 units)
*All upper division courses from CDM, CTS, FMS, and TCS can be
counted towards upper division coursework for the major in Group
A, Group B or electives. Please consult with a major advisor for
assistance in determining which category a course not listed
above may be counted.
Equivalency request process:
In order to request the substitution of a CDM major course
students must have completed an equivalent course for college
credit (AP credits, IB credits, or unarticulated community
college or 4-year college credits). You may fill out
the equivalency
request form. The form will be evaluated by the CDM
faculty advisor to determine if the breadth of knowledge gained
is equivalent to the UCD course.
Film Studies Minor
The field of Film Studies (FMS) addresses the history, theory,
and culture of this art form and asks questions about film texts
themselves: modes of production, (including everything from
filmmakers’ aesthetic choices to the role of the global economy);
historical, national, and cultural contexts; and spectators and
Please review the Course
Catalog for descriptions of film studies courses.
Film Studies 1 (4 units).
Upper Division courses selected from the following list, with no
more than two courses from any one category (20 units):
Problems and Themes in Cinema: Anthropology 136; Classics 102;
Dramatic Art 115; English 160, 161A, 161B, 162; Film Studies 124,
Cinema, Nation and Nationality: German 119, 142; Film Studies
121, 176A, 176B; Italian 150; Japanese 106; Film Studies/Russian
129; Spanish 148, 173
Film and Social Identities: African American and African Studies
170, 171; Film Studies 120; Jewish Studies 120; Women and Gender
Studies 160, 164
Film/Video Production: Art Studio 116, 117, 150
Popular and Visual Culture: American Studies 130, 132, 133, 139;
Art Studio 150; Communications 140; Political Science 165;
Textiles and Clothing 107; Women and Gender Studies 139
Total Units for Minor: 24. Restrictions: No more than two courses
from a single department or program may be offered in
satisfaction of the minor requirements.
Note: With a minor adviser’s prior approval, up to four units of
internship (e.g., American Studies 192, Communications 192, or
Women and Gender Studies 192) in television/film production may
be offered towards satisfying the requirements of the minor. Such
courses will be considered part of the “Film/Video Production”
Cinema and Digital Media Major course offerings for the
academic year. To see course descriptions, use the menu at left
to view them on our site, or use our link to the general
catalog, at right.
Use the Registrar’s Course Search Tool to see times, dates, and
locations for each course and to plan your schedule.
To set up an advising appointment current students please
click here. If you
are not a current student please call 530-752-0890 to set up an