For advising on major requirements, see The Arts Group Advising
Center. Appointments are scheduled from 9-12 and 1-4pm
M-F. Click here to
schedule an appointment. Check-in appointments is in Art
room 101.
How to prepare for an advising appointment
Develop a system to organize your paper and computer files
related to advising so that you can find them easily and be
prepared to take notes.
Bring any advising related documents: forms, petitions, Dean’s
Office Contracts and previous study plans.
Spend time thinking about questions that you want to ask or
topics that you want to discuss. Bring these to your appointment.
Cinema and Digital Media is the major offered
by the Department of Cinema and Digital Media which
previously offered Film Studies & Technocultural
Studies majors. Those majors are now closed to new
students. Students who have already declared those majors
are able to complete them. Students who wish to
declare will be majoring in Cinema and Digital Media from
now on.
Cinema and Digital Media does not offer a minor at this time. The
only minor offered through the Department of Cinema and Digital
Media is the Film Studies Minor.
This career resource guide provides an opportunity to explore key
areas of the major, and the related occupations, careers and
internships. The guide also provides resources for exploring
Cinema and Digital Media Major course offerings for the
academic year. To see course descriptions, use the menu at left
to view them on our site, or use our link to the general
catalog, at right.
Use the Registrar’s Course Search Tool to see times, dates, and
locations for each course and to plan your schedule.
To set up an advising appointment current students please
click here. If you
are not a current student please call 530-752-0890 to set up an