General information

Technocultural Studies Program
Major Closed to New Students

Program Information

The Technocultural Studies major program is interdisciplinary in nature, with a curriculum at the intersection of the arts, humanities, technology and science.

Technocultural Studies integrates the latest research in cultural history and theory with innovative hands-on production in digital media and “low-tech.” Backed by a range of conceptual perspectives and production skills, students enjoy the mobility to explore wherever performance, music, visual arts, writing, media arts and community media might engage science and technology.

The Major Program

Please Note: Technocultual Studies is only an option for students already declared.

Preparatory course work will involve a solid introduction to technocultural studies.  Students majoring in Technocultural Studies choose among upper-division courses in the following four emphases—Screen-based; Sonic arts; Systems/network; History and theory—and work toward a final project.

B.A. Major Requirements

Preparatory Subject Matter (28 units)

Technocultural Studies 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7A-E (24 units)

American Studies 1A or 5 (4 units)

Depth Subject Matter (44 units)

Technocultural Studies 190, 191 (8 units)

Upper Division Emphasis (36 units):

Choose from production-based Technocultural Studies 100, 101, 103, 104, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 121, 122, 123, 125, 130, 131, 175, 192, and from Technocultural Studies history/theory based 120, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 158, 159, plus a four-unit class from another department or program relevant to the student’s area of concentration, as approved by Technocultural Studies.

Career Paths

Technocultural Studies is designed to prepare graduates to be highly adaptable, collaborative, multi-skilled and current with the latest developments. Perhaps most importantly is self-motivation: students do best when fueled by their own passions and plot their own directions, while held to very high standards. We feel this is the best education for living and working in a complex, rapidly changing world. Final research papers and creative production portfolios will provide graduate school admissions committees, employers or clients with tangible evidence of TCS graduates’ track records and talents.

View all UCD Arts departments and programs

Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang

Art Studio Program

Melody Chiang

Cinema and
Digital Media

Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang

and Dance

Melody Chiang

Performance Studies

Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang
