Aida Shirazi Work to Premiere at Local Streaming Concert
Camellia Symphony Orchestra
A new work by Aida Shirazi, doctoral student in music composition, will be premiered by the Camellia Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Associate Professor Christian Baldini on Saturday, Nov. 21 at 5 p.m. (PST).
Shirazi’s “umbra” was recorded outdoors in Sacramento, with musicians wearing masks and socially distancing. The work was commissioned by the Camellia Symphony Orchestra.
“umbra is a process, in which musical events unfold glacially,” said Shirazi. ”Writing this piece, I sought to create a shadow-like quality; a sonic umbra. The work emerges from a dark and quiet state and after several dynamic and textural swells and contractions fades into the void.”
The performance maybe viewed here.
Baldini recently interviewed Shirazi about her career and the work, and their session is available on YouTube.