Graduate Fellowships
For eligibility requirements, see Office of Graduate Studies, Application and Fellowships or consult Marian Bilheimer.
McCalla, Alex and Phyllis International Graduate Student Support Award
Provost’s First Year Fellowships in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Vanderhoef International Graduate Student Fellowship
Diversity Fellowships
Bilinski, Russell J. and Dorothy S. Educational Foundation Dissertation Writing Fellowship
Provost’s Dissertation Year Fellowship in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
UC Davis and Humanities Graduate Research
UC Davis Dissertation Year Fellowship
In addition, if you come from the following counties in California you may be eligible for the fellowships in parentheses: Placer (Faulkner), Humboldt (Mahan, Walker), Modoc, Lassen, Shasta or Siskiyou (McArthur) or Nevada (Saxon).
If you come from Columbia or South America you are eligible for a Velez fellowship.