
Frequently asked questions about the Taproot New Music Festival.

(If you don’t find an answer here, please email Sam Nichols at ssnichols@ucdavis.edu.)

Q: I noticed the “application checklist” mentions recordings. Is this an absolute requirement? If I include recordings, does that help my chances of being selected? I don’t have any recordings for the pieces I sent, but I guess I could put together a MIDI mock-up… 
A: Recordings are always helpful when evaluating a piece of music, but we know that not everyone has them. However, please don’t apply with MIDI realizations. If you don’t have a recording of your music, just send us the score. 

Q: Do I need to submit letters of recommendation?
A: No, you don’t need to send us any recommendation letters.

Q: When will I send in my résumé? Why do you want to see my résumé? 
A: These résumés will be consulted only after the initial round of selection, after we’ve assembled a “long list” of possible participants. Our goal is to assemble a cohort of participating composers who represent a broad variety of different backgrounds. In the past, with an entirely blind selection selection process, this has been difficult. 

Q: I’ve collaborated with the visiting ensemble before, and I’m looking forward to working with them again. I can’t wait to hear them play the revised version my piece. Is Taproot a good opportunity for this reunion?
A: We’d like to help make new connections, rather than reinforce existing relationships. 

Q: I see that pieces with electronics are allowed. Is there a limitation to the type of electronics that can be used in a piece?
A: If you’re interested in working with the Empyrean Ensemble, then your piece can include electronics. Before the festival begins, we’ll be sure to have you consult with our technical staff to make sure that we understand your set-up, so that we don’t run into any unexpected difficulties. 

Q: I can be there for my performance, but then I have to leave the festival immediately afterward. Is this okay?
A: No, sorry, this isn’t okay. We want you to be present for the entire duration of the festival.

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