General information

Achievement Awards

The Department of Music presents the following academic achievement awards annually.

Departmental Citations are reserved for students of true distinction. In any given year a department may choose to honor one student, more than one student, or no student. Citations are given for excellence in the department or major program, and students receiving a citation must have a grade point average of 3.6 or above in courses given by the major. Activity relating to the work of the major or department or creative work in the field is taken into consideration.

The Fannie Kopald Stein Award for Excellence in Musical Performance was established in 1976 by Stein’s family and friends and through the particular efforts of her son, Professor Sherman Stein of the Department of Mathematics. The award was established to preserve the remembrance of Fannie Kopald Stein (1890–1976) and to encourage students who seek a lifetime of fulfillment through music. From her childhood in Dubuque, Iowa, to the last months of her life in Los Angeles, Fannie Kopald Stein maintained her command of both the violin and the piano. From them she drew solace and joy for herself and others for over 70 years. It is hoped that her life and this award may inspire others to follow her path. The award is presented annually to a registered student (or students) who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishment in the musical performance. Nominations are received by the faculty of music, who confer the award or awards at the annual recognition ceremonies of the Department of Music. Additionally, the memorial to Mrs. Stein constitutes a major portion of the Music Department Award Fund, which is used to offset costs of tuition in musical performance.

The David S. Saxon Award for Excellence in the Performance of Early Music was established through generous gifts in 1979 and 1982 by then President and Mrs. David S. Saxon. The award is presented annually to a registered student (or students) who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishment in the performance of early music. Nominations are received by the faculty of music, who confer the award or awards at the annual recognition ceremonies of the Department of Music. Since the establishment of the Saxon Award in 1985, the performance of early music has broadened in its historical sweep and refined its methods of inquiry. Early music is now defined as anything between Gregorian Chant and Berlioz.

The Olga Brose Valente Memorial Prize is awarded either for Excellence in Musical Composition or Excellence in Wind and Brass Playing. This award was established in 1982 by the late Professor William Valente and by her family and friends in commemoration of Professor Valente’s mother, who lived from 1900-1982. Mrs. Valente was a lover of fine music and, during her short time of residence in Davis, a particular friend of the Department of Music. The award is presented annually to a registered student (or students) who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishment in musical composition or the performance of wind and brass music. Nominations are received by the faculty of music, who confer the award or awards at the annual recognition ceremonies of the Department of Music. William Valente lived from 1934 to 1993 and was a beloved teacher of Music 4 and Music 5 and director of the Concert Band. The William Valente Estate, left in its entirety to the Department of Music, continues to fund the majority of the considerable program of student support activities originating in the Department of Music.

The Department of Music Faculty Award is awarded each year to a student (or students) whom the faculty believes has exhibited outstanding accomplishment in musical performance.

General information

Past Achievement Award Winners

Department Citation for Outstanding
Undergraduate Accomplishment in Music

Lawrence Lozares 1985–86
Anne Marie Scotto 1985–86
Jean M. Holoien 1986–87
Alanna Battat 1987–88
Naomi M. Braun 1987–88
Darin M. Wilson 1987–88
Christopher S. Johnson 1988–89
Michael F. Samson 1988–89
Judith J. Rummelsburg 1989–90
Susan S. Chen 1990–91
Stephanie M. Holm 1990–91
John L. Lincoln 1990–91
Elizabeth Hise–Merwin 1990–91
Manal R. Toppozada 1990–91
Lisa Kobialka 1991–92

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