General information

49th Season: 2007-08

Sunday, 18 November 2007 

Kimberlee Uwate, viola 
Beethoven: Egmont overture 
Telemann: Viola Concerto in G Major 
Mahler: Symphony No.1 
Jackson Hall / Mondavi Center / 8:00 PM / $5 up 
program | postcard | poster (pdfs) 
note: Jeremy Galyon, baritone, was unable to appear as advertised. 

Sunday, 10 February 2008 

Dan Flanagan, violin 
University of the Pacific Symphony Orchestra 
Nicolas Waldvogel, conducting 
UCDavis University Chorus 
Ives: The Unanswered Question 
Sibelius: Violin Concerto 
Ives: Symphony No. 4 
Jackson Hall / Mondavi Center / 8:00 PM / $5 up 
program | postcard (pdfs) 

Saturday, 1 March 2008 

Master Class with Leon Fleisher, piano 
program | flyer 

Sunday, 9 March 2008 

Tamara Matthews, soprano | David Arnold, baritone 
University Chorus, Chamber Singers, and Alumni Chorus 
Jeffrey Thomas, conducting 
Brahms: A German Requiem 
Jackson Hall / Mondavi Center / 8:00 PM / $5 up 
program | postcard | poster | large ad | small ad 

Saturday, 19 April 2008 

Picnic Day free concert 
Cedric Long, piano 
Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique, movts. IV-V 
Eric Chow: (Jessica Bejarano, conducting) 
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 5 (“Emperor”), movt I. (David Moschler, conducting) 
Jackson Hall / Mondavi Center / 12:00 noon / admission free 
program | flyer 

Sunday, 18 May 2008 

Mussorgsky: A Night on Bald Mountain (Jessica Bejarano, conducting) 
Wagner: excerpts from Die Meistersinger, act III 
Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique 
Jackson Hall / Mondavi Center / 8:00 PM / $5 up 
program | postcard 

Sunday, 1 June 2008 

University Chorus and Chamber Singers 
Jeffrey Thomas, conductor 
David Conte: Elegy for Matthew 
Morten Lauridsen: Lux Aeterna 
Jackson Hall / Mondavi Center / 8:00 PM / $5 up
program | postcard 

Thursday, 5 June 2008 

Free Community Concert 
Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique, movts. IV-V 
Ramteen Sazegari: Overture (first performance) (David Moschler, conducting) 
Tchaikovsky: Romeo and Juliet overture-fantasy (Jessica Bejarano, conducting) 
program | flyer 
Jackson Hall / Mondavi Center / 7:00 PM / admission free 
Reserved seating. Ticket prices for 2007-08: $16/13/10 adults, $8/6.50/5 students and children.


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