
Sarah Miller Awarded a Bilinski Fellowship

Doctoral student musicologist Sarah Miller has been awarded a UC Davis Russel J. and Dorothy S. Bilinski Educational Foundation Dissertation Writing Fellowship. This fellowship supports students as they begin the advanced stage of doctoral study by offering funding during the quarter immediately following advancement to candidacy, providing summer research and writing support, and providing for a full academic year fellowship for dissertation writing.

UC Davis has been awarded a $500,000 grant from the Russell J. and Dorothy S. Bilinski Fellowship Fund, a program of the Bilinski Educational Foundation. The grant allowed the College of Letters and Science to offer dissertation fellowships in six of its top-ranked programs in the Division of Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies (HArCS) and the Division of Social Sciences (DSS). 

Miller received her Master of Music in voice and her Master of Arts in musicology at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana. Her research interests include eighteenth-century opera, gender, sexuality, cross-dressed performance, and taiko. Over the summers, Sarah enjoys teaching voice and general musicianship skills to elementary aged students with UC Davis Youth Programs Summer Camps.

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