Studio—4 hours; lecture/discussion—2 hours. Prerequisite: course
1, 14 (or 21), 15, 16 or consent of instructor. Priority to
Design majors. Introduction to daylighting through observation of
its effects on interior designs using scale models of interior
designs of choice and photographing them outdoors and in CLTC’s
Heliodon to understand year-round performance.
Lecture/discussion—3 hours; project—1 hour. Prerequisite:
DES 1 or consent of instructor. Priority to Design majors.
Introduction to the finish materials used for interior design
with special emphasis on sustainable and recycled products.
Performance factors, relative costs and energy impacts,
installation conditions and construction details, and design
potential for a full range of interior materials. Offered in
alternate years.
Lecture—3 hour(s); Discussion—1 hour(s). Cultural studies
theories and methods used to explore an inclusive approach to
design studies. Fashion in dress and other areas of design in
society. Race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class, national
identity, dis/ability, age/generation, and religion, and
the intersectionalities among these subject positions
in the transnational design, production, circulation, and
consumption of fashion.
Lecture—4 hours. Social contexts, meanings, aesthetics, stylistic
developments, and methods significant in eastern hemisphere
textiles. Emphasis on Japan, China, Indonesia, Oceania, Southern
and Central Asia, Africa.
Lecture—4 hours. Prerequisite: course 1, Art History 1A, 1B, or
1C recommended. Social context, aesthetics, stylistic
developments and methods significant in western hemisphere
textiles. Emphasis on the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas
up to contemporary times. Two required field trips.
Lecture—3 hours; discussion—1 hour. No prerequisites. Priority to
Design majors. History of fashion design from the earliest times
to the present focusing on the ancient Middle East and Common Era
North America and Europe. Emphasis on aesthetic, functional,
social, economic, political and cultural aspects of clothing and
personal adornment.
Lecture—3 hours; discussion—1 hour. Prerequisite: DES 1 or
consent of instructor. Pass One priority to Design majors.
Thematic survey of interior architecture. Emphasis on dwellings
in their cultural settings and development of modern interior
design theories. Interiors considered in relation to buildings’
exteriors, sites, and uses. Offered in alternate years.
Lecture—3 hours; discussion—1 hour. Prerequisite: DES 1 or
consent of instructor. Priority to Design majors. Historical
developments of visual communication, concentrating on the
technological and aesthetic development of graphic design;
origins and manifestations of current issues in visual
communication; provide framework for analysis of current and
future trends in visual communication.
Lecture/Discussion—4 hour(s). Pass One restricted to Design
majors. Short term and long term trends, micro and macro
trends. Theories of adoption and diffusion of trends. Economic,
political, technological and psychological indicators in trend
forecasting. Future trends in design using cultural brailing,
cross-cultural analysis methods and ethnographic
research. GE credit: AH, VL. Effective: 2021
Fall Quarter.
Discussion—1 hour; Lecture—3 hours. Prerequisite(s): Upper
division standing or consent of instructor. Restricted to
students with upper division standing. Design principles and
visual strategies for effective information display; analysis of
contemporary and historical examples of visual representations
and visual narratives in science, humanities, and the arts;
emergence of digital methods for interactive data presentation.
Studio—6 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): DES 051. Open
to Design Majors only. Computer-assisted architectural
presentation including the development of complex 3D models,
techniques of photo-realistic rendering and computer simulation
of movement through architectural and interior space. GE
credit: AH, VL. Effective: 2020 Fall Quarter.
Studio—4 hours; lecture/discussion—2 hours. Prerequisite:
DES 1, 14 (or 21), 15, 16, (21 recommended) or consent of
instructor. Priority given to Design majors. Computer assisted
drawing and modeling using a mid-level, multi-use CAD program.
Basic architectural drawing and modeling technique in both
two-dimensional and three-dimensional CAD environments. Not open
for credit to students who have taken course 150.
Studio—4 hours; lecture/discussion—2 hours. Prerequisite:
DES 1, 14 (or 21), 15, 16, 150A (21 recommended) or consent
of instructor. Priority given to Design majors. Computer-assisted
architectural presentation including the development of complex
3D models, techniques of photo-realistic rendering and computer
simulation of movement through architectural and interior space.
Offered irregularly.
Studio—4 hours; lecture/discussion—2 hours. Prerequisite:
DES 1, 14 (or 21), 15, 16, (115 recommended) or consent
of instructor. Priority given to Design majors. Fundamentals of
creating motion based, screen-based typography. Consideration of
narrative structures, movement assemblage, and other visual
languages, synthesized within a nuanced understanding of
typography within digital space.
Studio—4 hours; lecture/discussion—2 hours. Prerequisite:
DES 1, 14 (or 21), 15, 16, 115, 116 or consent of
instructor. Priority given to Design majors. Principles and
application of visual design strategies for projects that address
a broad public audience. Emphasis on design for social
awareness/interaction/benefit. Creation of public visual-media
campaign. Not open for credit to students who have completed
course 152B.
Studio—4 hours; lecture/discussion—2 hours. Prerequisite:
DES 1, 14 (or 21), 15, 16, 113 (or 31) or consent of
instructor. Experimental approaches to form making through an
examination of pattern, form, and surface in historical and
contemporary contexts. Explorations of alternative design
processes, methods, and materials that open up new possibilities
for content creation and invention in design practice.
Studio – 6.0 hours. Prerequisites DES 001; DES 014; DES 015; DES
016. New media and its impact on environmental design; analysis
of contemporary projects at the intersection of architecture and
new media; time-based strategies of representation; digital
Studio—5 hour(s); Practice—1
hour(s). Prerequisite(s): DES 001; DES 014; DES 015;
DES 016; DES 021; DES 111; DES 117; or Consent of
Instructor. Open to Design majors only. Technical
practice for interactive media using the front-end stack (html,
css, js). Conceptual framework, user experience, visual interface
and interaction design. Research and written pre-production
materials required. GE credit: VL. Effective: 2021
Spring Quarter.
Studio—5 hour(s); Practice—1
hour(s). Prerequisite(s): DES 001; (DES 014 or DES
021); DES 015; DES 016; DES 111; DES 117; (DES 157 or DES 157A);
or Consent of Instructor. Pass One open to Design majors
only. A capstone interactive media course that furthers
understanding of and experimentation with the front-end stack
with libraries, databases, sensors and microcomputers. GE
credit: AH, VL. Effective: 2021 Fall Quarter.
Studio—6 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): DES 001; (DES 014 or
DES 021); DES 015; DES 016; (DES 111 or DES 135A or ART 005); or
Consent of Instructor. Pass One open to Design majors;
enrollment restricted to upper division students. Design of
large-scale installations using data for engagement with sites,
systems, phenomena, or situations that promote interaction
between information, narrative, media, and space. Data literacy
tools and methods in data acquisition, visualization, and
analytics for designers.