Seminar—1 hour; studio or field experience—3 hours per unit
(units determined by instructor and student); field trip.
Prerequisite: DES 14, 15; upper division standing and
consent of instructor. Faculty initiated workshops featuring
advanced studies and applications of original work in Design:
Costume. Letter grading by contract. Field trips included. Credit
limited to 12 units in one section or a combination of sections.
Seminar—1 hour; studio or field experience—3 hours per unit
(units determined by instructor and student); field trip.
Prerequisite: course 14, 15; upper division standing and consent
of instructor. Faculty initiated workshops featuring advanced
studies and applications of original work in Design: Environment.
Letter grading by contract. Field trips included. Credit limited
to 12 units in one section or a combination of sections.—F, W, S.
(F, W, S)
Seminar—2 hour(s); Studio—4
hour(s). Prerequisite(s): DES 014; DES 015; Upper
division standing.
Learning professionalism and design skills for freelance
illustration. Industry-standard workflow from ideation to final
production. Studio time, lectures with professional illustrators,
real-world illustration projects, editorial, surface design,
kid’s lit, self-promotion postcards.
Develop skills and create pieces for a portfolio.
Seminar—1 hour(s); Studio—3
hour(s). Prerequisite(s): DES 014; DES 015; and Consent
of Instructor. Upper division standing. Faculty initiated
workshops featuring advanced studies and applications of original
work in Design: Textiles. Letter grading by contract. Field trips
included. Credit limited to 12 units in one section or a
combination of sections. Effective: 1997 Winter Quarter.
Internship—3-18 hours. Prerequisite: completion of 84 units and
consent of instructor. Enrollment limited to 3 units per quarter
or 6 units per IV session. Supervised internship, off and on
campus, in areas of design including environmental, costume,
textile, museum, display and interior design. (P/NP grading
Independent study—9 hours. Prerequisite: qualification for
Letters and Science Honors Program; senior standing; approval of
Design Honors Program proposal by the Curriculum Committee and
major adviser. Limited enrollment. Preparation and presentation
of a culminating project. Supervision of an instructor in one of
the creative or scholarly areas of Design. (Deferred grading
only, pending completion of sequence.)—II. (II.)
Independent study—9 hours. Prerequisite: course 194HA;
qualification for Letters and Science Honors Program; senior
standing; consent of instructor. Limited enrollment. Preparation
and presentation of a culminating project. Supervision of an
instructor in one of the creative or scholarly areas of Design.
(Deferred grading only, pending completion of sequence.)—III.
Discussion—3-15 hours. Prerequisite: upper division standing and
consent of instructor. Leading of small discussion groups or
studio meetings affiliated with one of the department’s regular
courses. (P/NP grading only.)
Lecture—2 hour(s); Laboratory—4
hour(s). Prerequisite(s): LDA 021; LDA 030; LDA 050;
LDA 070. Open to Landscape Architecture and Sustainable
Environmental Design majors. Introduction to community
participation and design.
Seminar—3 hours; independent study. Prerequisite: graduate
standing in Design or consent of instructor. Perspectives on
theoretical and aesthetic issues related to the design
professions such as methodology in historical and contemporary
contexts, implications of technology on design theory and
practice, and design relationships to environmental
sustainability, recycling, and other social issues. May be
repeated one time for credit.
Seminar—3 hours; independent study. Prerequisite: course 221;
graduate standing in Design or consent of instructor. Focused on
research methods and critical writing related to design topics
including case studies, original and secondary sources, critical
reviews. Expectation of a paper meeting professional standards
suitable for publication from each student at end of course. May
be repeated one time for credit.
Seminar—3 hours; independent study. Prerequisite: courses 221,
222; graduate standing in Design or consent of instructor.
Introduce students to issues of professional design practice:
business ethics, contracts and business practices, social
responsibility through case studies, guest lectures and field
trips, and readings. Short written assignments and presentations
will be required.
Studio—3 hours. Prerequisite: course 221. Class size limited to
graduate standing in Design or consent of instructor. Students
work together on a collective project to experience the multiple
phases of design through an iterative process. Design projects
will be geared towards relevance in contemporary social, cultural
and political contexts. Credit limited to 12 units. May be
repeated two times for credit.
Seminar—4 hours. Prerequisite: graduate standing or consent of
instructor. Selected topics in design methodology, research,
communication, and education. May be repeated for credit.