Prof. of Cinema and Digital Media, Kriss Ravetto-Biagioli,
and Anupam Chander (UC Davis School of Law), were awarded a
2014 Mellon Foundation Sawyer Seminar for their year-long
seminar, “Surveillance and Democracy,” offered during
Please click on the “Mellon-Sawyer Surveillance and Democracy
Seminar” link for more
information on upcoming speakers and events.
Music Monday explores incoming American sound artist Bob
Ostertag upon his multiple Shanghai bookings this week.
Music Monday is a weekly SmartShanghai column
that presents songs from bands making music in China
and bands living in, coming to, or thinking about
coming to China.
Click here to read the entire article on Bob Ostertag and
his career.
We are pleased to announce the publication of Professor Colin
Milburn’s new book, Mondo Nano: Fun and Games in the
World of Digital Matter (Duke University Press, 2015).
Milburn takes his readers on a playful expedition through
the emerging landscape of nanotechnology, offering
a light-hearted yet critical account of this high-tech world
of fun and games. The expedition ventures into discussions
of the first nano cars, the popular video games Second
Life, Crysis, and BioShock, international nanosoccer
tournaments, and utopian nano cities.
About the Mellon Research Initiative in Digital Cultures
Digital technologies have revolutionized the practice of everyday
life, becoming an integral part of work, communication, politics,
economics, artistic creativity, and personal identity. The study
of digital culture is among the most vigorous areas of research
in the humanities and social sciences today.