
Outside the Lines
Directed by Dave Grenke

Outside the Lines, Directed by Dave Grenke

Main Stage Theatre

This event will be a dance series that brings an audience into the performance process. It provides the viewer the opportunity to see works in various stages of conception and development and articulates and illustrates the perspective and objectives of the artists and collaborators. Follow the evolution of a work or an artist over the course of this year long series. The night is full of performances from the students of the UC Davis Theatre and Dance Department’s Dramatic Arts Program. The night will include 2 undergraduate student choreographies, 2 graduate student choreographies, and a piece from our very own Theatre and Dance Department Head, David Grenke.

Tickets are only $5 (suggested donation! Please e-mail or call the box office at 530-752-7111. Box office hours are 12–4 pm, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. For reservations, please pick up your tickets the night of the performance at the Main Stage Theatre (Wright Hall) Box Office.

This production will be performed December 3 – 5, 2015 @ 8 p.m. on the Main Stage Theatre.  Check out the facebook event page to see videos and photos.


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