Seasonal Event

Collapse: Suddenly Falling Down (2007)

(Winner of Bay Area Isadora Duncan Award for Visual Design 2009)

by Della Davidson, in collaboration with geologists Louise Kellogg and Dawn Sumner, computer scientists Michael Neff and Oliver Kreylos, and physicist Jim Crutchfield, with text by Ed Gaible

A joint production with the Mondavi Center at the Studio Theatre

From the collapse of the social order in Rwanda, to the twin towers falling and the ice caps melting into the sea, we fear the disintegration of the systems upon which we depend. This unique collaboration between artists and scientists uses computer-generated images in an interactive environment to illustrate how systems fail and patterns reorganize. The piece was commissioned by the Mondavi Center as part of the Creativity Project, a year-long event that celebrates the work and spirit of choreographer Merce Cunningham, who has been in the forefront of using technological systems to explore choreographic ideas.

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Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang

Art Studio Program

Melody Chiang

Cinema and
Digital Media

Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang

and Dance

Melody Chiang

Performance Studies

Melody Chiang
