General information

Seating and Accommodations

UC Davis Main Theatre and Wyatt Theatre facilities meet or exceed all state and federal ADA requirements and are fully accessible to patrons with disabilities.

Patrons with disabilities or special seating needs must notify the Mondavi Center Ticket Office of those needs at the time of ticket purchase. UC Davis Theatre and Dance Department may not be able to accommodate special needs brought to our attention at the performance. There is a special telephone number for ticketing and seating any patrons with special seating needs: 530.754.2787 – TDD: 530.754.5402

Seating spaces for wheelchair users and their companions are located at ground level for all performances. Ushers are available at the doors to the Main Theatre and Wyatt Theatre. Please explain to the usher how best to assist you, if needed.

Audience capacity of the Main Theatre is 467. An FM listening system is available for hearing-challenged persons. Patrons wishing to use the FM listening system should ask the House Manager for assistance.

Special seating needs
(530) 754-2787

View all UCD Arts departments and programs

Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang

Art Studio Program

Melody Chiang

Cinema and
Digital Media

Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang

and Dance

Melody Chiang

Performance Studies

Melody Chiang
