Created and directed by Della Davidson and John Flax
Based on stories by Isabel Allende from The Stories of Eva
Music by Richard Marriott
Costumes by Sandra Woodall
Set by David Moon
Lighting by Jack Carpenter
Videography by Ellen Bromberg
Performers: Jane Schnorrenberg, Kerry Mehling, Eric Kupers, Kegan
Marling, John Flax, Rod Harrison, Mona Malec
In A Dream Inside Another actors and dancers come together to
stretch the form of North American Theater by infusing it with
the magic realism of Latin American literature. Choreographer
Della Davidson of Sideshow Physical Theatre at UC Davis, and
Artistic Director John Flax of Theater Grottesco, Santa Fe, NM,
have created an original dance/theater production that
simultaneously tells three of Isabel Allende’s “Stories of Eva
Luna”. Dark and unforgiving, sweet and exquisitely touching, the
stories’ common themes clutch at the heart, lift the soul and
bring tears for what we have and what we have lost. Supported by
a major grant from The Rockefeller Multi-Arts Production Fund.