General information

Summer Session I, 2021

Course Description

DES 014: Design Drawing (4)

Studio—4 hours; lecture/discussion—2 hours. Prerequisite: DES 1 (may be taken concurrently) or consent of instructor; students with a background in drawing or Advanced Placement Art Studio units are encouraged to submit a portfolio for review to waive this course. Priority given to Design majors. Drawing as a tool for design. Basic skills in objective observation and representation, including line, shape, tone, and space. Drawing as a tool for formulating and working through design problems.

Course Description

DES 016: Graphic Design and Computer Technology (4)

Studio—4 hours; lecture/discussion—2 hours. Prerequisite: DES 1 (may be taken concurrently) or consent of instructor. Priority given to Design students. Introduction to digital tools with emphasis on graphic design including theory, practice and technology. Includes principles of color, resolution, pixels, vectors, image enhancement, layout, visual organization, visual hierarchy, typography.

Course Description

DES 112: UI/UX Design: Principles and Practices (4)

Studio-6 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): DES 001; (DES 014 or DES 021); DES 015; DES 016. Pass One restricted to Design Majors. Principles and practices of User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX). Design for digital, interactive media. Iterative design processes, audience research. May be repeated up to 1 Time(s). GE credit: AH. Effective: 2018 Fall Quarter.

Course Description

DES 115: Letterforms and Typography (4)

Studio—4 hours; lecture/discussion—2 hours. Prerequisite: DES 1, 14 (or 21), 15, 16 or consent of instructor. Priority given to Design majors. Fundamentals of letterforms and typography. Characteristics of typefaces; formatting and composition of type. Principles of legibility, visual hierarchy, grid systems, and the integration of type and image. Not available for credit to students who have completed course 22.

Course Description

DES 117: Interactive Media I (4)

Studio—4 hours; lecture/discussion—2 hours. Prerequisite: DES 1, 14 (or 21), 15, 16 or consent of instructor. Priority to Design majors. Practice of creating interactive visual media for network-based applications and principles of human computer interaction. Responsive design. User-centered research, information architecture, interface and interaction. Analysis of usability. Development and presentation of design production materials and completed interactive projects.

Course Description

DES 131: Global Fashion and Product Design (4)

Studio—4 hours; lecture/discussion—2 hours. Prerequisite: course 1, 14 or 21, 15, 16 or consent of instructor. Priority given to Design majors. Exploration of materials, embellishments, and structural techniques derived from historic and contemporary world cultures. Emphasis on unique qualities of individual expression applied to hand made textiles, fashion and textile products. Offered irregularly.

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Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang

Art Studio Program

Melody Chiang

Cinema and
Digital Media

Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang

and Dance

Melody Chiang

Performance Studies

Melody Chiang
