General information

Student Services Guide
Policies & procedures for instructional support of students

Information for faculty, lecturers and TAs regarding the University policies and procedures concerning faculty members and their relationship with student registration, courses, grading, Canvas and Photo Rosters.

Academic Honesty/Faculty Responsibilities Code of Academic Conduct, Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs

Academic and Administrative Calendars Master Academic Calendar- with links on page to the following: Graduation and Commencement Dates, Campus Events Calendar, University Holidays & Breaks, Quarter Dates & Deadlines, Registration Calendar

Academic Senate Bylaws & Regulations

Add/Drop Deadlines & Section Switches Permission to Add & Drop Numbers, Late Drops, Section Switch

Class Prerequisites Academic Senate Regulations, Instructor Decision to Check Prerequisites, Preqs checked by Banner

Class Search Tool

Class Scheduling and Classrooms Scheduling Guidelines, Course Restrictions, Classroom Information, Classroom Maintenance

Course Approval Integrated Curriculum Management System (ICMS)

Courses Repeating a Course, Academic Credit, Units and Workload, Undergraduate Course Outline Requirement, Variable Unit Courses, Special Study Courses, Upper Division Internship Requirement

Cross Listing a course with another department

Examinations Requirements for Final Exams, UC Davis Testing Center Initiative (Student Disability Center), Take Home Finals, Scheduling of Finals, Midterm Exams, Change of Date, Release of Exam Materials, Credit by Exam,

General Catalog

Grade Corrections Grade Change Guidelines, Grade Changes Solicited/Supported by Instructor, or Opposed by Instructor, General Principles, Appeals

Grading Policies (Definition of Grade and Marks, Grade Points, Incomplete, Pass/No Pass, Online Grading, Late Drops, Repetition of Courses

Grade Submissions Three ways to submit Grades

Permission to Add (PTA) & Drop (PTD) Numbers

Preserving Student Privacy FERPA – The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Parents, Grades

Registration Pass One and Pass Two Registration Periods, Priority Groups, Registration Freeze, Waitlists, Auditing Classes

Retroactive Changes Retroactive Change Petition, Retroactive Withdrawals

Student Conduct  Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs upholding standards of academic honesty and responsible behavior, promoting student development, and assisting students in need.  If you have a distressed or distressing student, please fill out a CARE Report. The report will be provided to the OSSJA Case Managers who handle the situation accordingly. 

Students with Disabilities Academic Accommodations, Student Disability Center

Student Health and Counseling Services

Transfer Equivalency

Canvas  (Log In)

Your course syllabus, class assignment, and grades are posted on “Canvas” for students. You will need to set up Canvas each quarter for your courses.

Canvas Guidelines

View your roster for your courses via the “” site. Log in w/ your kerberos ID and password. The course information magically appears in the right-hand column. The same information can be found in Canvas/Course Management.

IT Express Service Desk can help with any questions related to Canvas

Photo Rosters

How to use Photo Rosters, where you can view photos, major and standing of students whom are enrolled in your courses, see who is on the waitlist, and review prerequisite petitions. A prerequisite petition is a request to remain enrolled in your course if the required prerequisites have not been met. This link also includes instructional videos for faculty.

For all students enrolled in your course each quarter, please review the column for Prerequisite(s) after Pass 1 Registration, and after Pass 2 Registration periods.

– If it states “Passed” then the student has completed the required prerequisite to enroll in the course.

– If it states “conditional”, then the student may be currently enrolled in a course which satisfies the prerequisite.

-If the column does not have anything and two dashes (–), then you will need to review the prerequisite petition, and determine whether or not to allow the student to stay enrolled in the course. Please contact the department advisors I you have any questions about approving or denying prerequisite petitions.

View all UCD Arts departments and programs

Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang

Art Studio Program

Melody Chiang

Cinema and
Digital Media

Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang

and Dance

Melody Chiang

Performance Studies

Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang
