General information

Spring Quarter, 2015

Course Description

CTS 116: Design on Screen (4)
Cross-listed as DRA 116

Lecture/Discussion—3 hour(s); Film Viewing—3 hour(s). Analysis of the contribution of outstanding designers for cinema, television and filmed entertainment. Study of diverse aesthetic theories of production design and art direction, costume design, or cinematography. Introductory principles and practice, history. May be repeated up to 2 time(s) when topic differs. GE credit: AH, VL. Effective: 2013 Fall Quarter.

Course Description

CTS 148A: Japanese Culture Through Films
Cross-listed as JPN 106

Taught in English and designed for undergraduates and graduate students with no prior background in Japanese language, literature, or history, this course aims to introduce various manifestations of Japanese cultural paradigms and imagination through the medium of film by some of the most prominent talents in the Japanese cinema from the 1920s to the present-day.

Course Description

CTS 174: Acting for Camera (4)

Lecture—3 hour(s); Extensive Writing/Discussion—1 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): TCS 001 or ENL 003 or STS 001; or equivalent of these courses. Critical approaches to the study of video games, focusing on formal, historical, and cultural modes of analysis. History of software and hardware in North American and global contexts. Relations of games to society, politics, economics, literature, media, and the arts. (Same course as STS 172, ENL 172.) GE credit: ACGH, AH, SS, VL. Effective: 2014 Fall Quarter.

Course Description

FMS 001: Introduction to Film Studies (4)

Lecture—2 hours; discussion—1 hour; film viewing—3 hours. Analysis of film form and narrative, including cinematography, editing, and sound. Issues in film studies, including authorship, stardom, race, gender, class, and cultural identity. Includes introduction to selected cinematic movements and national film traditions. GE credit: ArtHum, Wrt | AH, OL, VL, WC, WE.

Course Description

FMS 120: Italian-American Cinema

Lecture/Discussion—3 hour(s); Film Viewing—3 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): FMS 001. Exploration of representations of Italian-American identity in American (U.S.) cinema. Analysis of both Hollywood and independently produced films, especially as they represent ethnicity, gender, and social class of Italian Americans. Not open for credit to students who have taken HUM 120. GE credit: ACGH, AH, DD, OL, VL, WC, WE. Effective: 2012 Fall Quarter.

Course Description

FMS 142: New German Cinema

German filmmakers of the 1960s-1980s such as Fassbinder, Herzog, Syberberg, Brückner, Schlöndorf, Kluge, Wenders. Knowledge of German not required. May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.

Course Description

TCS 115: Electronics for Artists

Lecture—3 hours; laboratory—3 hours. Creative application of electronic technology relevant to media and fine arts involving both electronic principles and hands-on application.

Course Description

TCS 159: Media Subcultures (4)

Lecture/Discussion—3 hour(s); Term Paper. Relationships between subcultural groups and media technologies. Media as the cohesive and persuasive force of subcultural activities. List-servs, websites, free radio, fan ‘zines, and hip-hop culture. GE credit: ACGH, VL. Effective: 2012 Fall Quarter.

Course Description

TCS 175: Small Scale Film Production (4)

Lecture—3 hour(s); Laboratory—3 hour(s). Prerequisite(s): Consent of Instructor. Lecture and intensive workshop teaching small-scale film production. Appointments as a(n) director, director of photography, actor, writer, lighting designer, sound designer and other critical positions are used to produce and submit a short film to a film festival. May be repeated up to 2 time(s). (Same course as DRA 175.) Effective: 2012 Fall Quarter.

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Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang

Cinema and Digital Media

Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang

and Dance

Melody Chiang

Performance Studies

Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang


Melody Chiang

UC Davis Arts