Even though Margaret Culuris-Harp (M.A., ‘24) is nearing
completion of a first M.A. in art history, she is already looking
ahead at her next scholarly enterprise: continuing her
studies at Hebrew University with a Fulbright
Professor Katharine Burnett’s recent publication, “UC Davis
Global Tea Institute Professional Tea Certificate Program,
2023–2024,” was published in the World Green Tea Association
bulletin Ryokucha
Allison Grenda (M.A., ‘20) will give a public lecture at the
Pence Gallery as part of their Art History Lecture Series.
“The Parthenon Through the Ages: From Ancient Rituals to Modern
Controversies” is scheduled for Saturday, March 23 from 1-2 pm
via Zoom
Congratulations to Emily Szasz (M.A., ‘22) on her new position as
Program Coordinator, Volunteer Services at the Museum of Tolerance and
Simon Wiesenthal Center.
A special exhibition of Japanese tea ware features both art
objects and rare books from the UC Davis’s Global Tea Institute
Collection of Art and Material Culture.
Professor Katharine Burnett’s newly released article
“Contemporaneity in Seventeenth-Century Chinese Painting, Theory,
and Criticism” has been published in the latest issue of Ming
Studies (Volume 2023, Issue 88, pp. 3-33).
Professor Katharine Burnett is on a whirlwind tour of Taipei,
Taiwan where she is presenting papers and lectures at several
Taiwanese universities and colloquia.
Professor Heghnar Watenpaugh has contributed an article to
the recently published book Ordering Imperial Worlds:
From Late Medieval Spain to the Modern Middle East edited by
Susan Slyomovics.
Congratulations to alum Srdan Tunic (M.A., ’23) whose article
“The New Gods: Merging the Ancient and the Contemporary of Egypt”
was just published in
The Routledge Handbook of CoFuturisms.
Professor Michael Yonan has edited the latest issue of
Journal18 which examines the theme of “cold” in
essays on climate change and
control, comfort, ice, and other weather related
topics, and how our pursuit of modernity transformed both our
climate and our relationship to it.
Professor Talinn Grigor will present her paper ”Pedagogical
Realignment and Hyphenated Historians of Qajar
Architecture: Vrdanis Eiwziwkʻchean and Kavasji Kiash in
Dialogue” at the 10th biennial Hamad bin Khalifa Symposium
on Islamic Art in Doha this Nov. 12.
Katharine Burnett, professor of art history, will give the Ellen
Bayard Weedon Lecture at the Fralin Museum of Art in
the University of Virginia in November.
The Kingsley Art Club hosted another conversation with
collector, philanthropist and UC Davis alum Alan Templeton
(B.A., art history and psychology, ‘82) in which Alan speaks
about his lifelong adventure hunting for 17th and 18th century
Junping Liu is a visiting scholar from the
University of Emergency Management where he is a professor in the
School of Art and Design. Professor Liu received his M.A. in 2005
from China College of Fine Arts, Northwest Normal University and
his PhD in 2013 from China College of Humanities, Central
Academy of Fine Arts. Professor Liu is working on the UC Davis
campus for the academic years 2022-2024.
Lawrence Stallman (M.A., ‘24) recently joined Alan Templeton for
London Art Week, visiting museums and galleries, meeting with
curators, collectors and professors, and attending art auctions
at Christie’s and Sotheby’s. Alumnus Alan Templeton (B.A.,
art history and psychology, ‘82), a longtime supporter of arts
and humanities programs at UC Davis, started a program to
give an art history graduate student a behind the-scenes-look at
the art world.
The Art and Art History Club is open to all art studio and art
history majors, minors, and friends. Our purpose is to learn
about and discuss all things relating to art and art history. We
do this through open discussions at meetings, going on field
trips to art museums and galleries, watching art-related movies,
selling student-made art, and promoting art education. We are
working hard to create an art community among UC Davis