Mathew Zefeldt in Staring at the Sun
Big Pictures Los
Angeles is pleased to announce “Staring at
the Sun,” a Group exhibition featuring the work
of Aramis Gutierrez, Aaron Morse, Ariana Papademetropoulos,
and Mathew Zefeldt (MFA 2011).
Throughout the course of human history, the sun has been our
measure of time – whether in days or years, we define our sense
of time according to its perceived cycles. Many cultures
have deified the sun, proclaiming it a sustenance provider, a
light-bearer, and a caretaker of mankind. Throughout the
centuries, seekers have sought more mystic relationships with it,
praying to the moon and the stars, waiting for perfect alignments
to make wishes and bring good fortune. Still others see it as a
portal, the opposite end of a black hole. The artists’ works in
this show explore the transcendental journey of man across time,
our quest for knowledge, and the desire to live beyond our own
August 12-September 23, 2017
2424 West Washington Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90018