Alum in group show at Root Division
“A Joy Unexpected,” a new group show at Root Division opening June 9 with a Second Saturday Reception on June 12, 6-8 pm., features several art studio alum. Curated by Tavarus Blackmon (M.F.A., ‘18), Root Division’s inaugural Curatorial Fellow, “A Joy Unexpected” is online and by appointment.
“A Joy Unexpected” grew from a year of social-distancing. Through virtual studio visits, online roundtables, and careful collaborations, Blackmon has brought together a dynamic group of 15 artists ruminating on the hard-working propensity of creatives to make joyful adaptations in times of uncertainty. This exhibition features installations, video work, sculpture, and painting as well as pre-recorded artist interviews, performances, and a panel discussion.
Participating artists include: Sydney Acosta, Caiti Chan, Makiko Harris, Kiana Honarmand, Jupiter the Artist, Patti Kilroy, Hea-Mi Kim, Shara Mays, Natani Notah, Manuel Fernando Rios (M.F.A., ‘11), Muzi Li Rowe (M.F.A., ‘17), Daniel Alejandro Trejo (B.A., art studio and art history, ‘13), Summer Ventis, Christopher Adam Williams and Gabriela Yoque.
Root Division
1131 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Gallery Hours: Wednesday – Saturday, 2pm to 6pm
415.863.7668 /