Alum featured in group show at Root Division
“ME in a(ME)rica” is a new group show at Root Division in San Francisco which features alum Helia Pouyanfar (M.F.A., ‘22) as she explores migration journeys. Participating artists working in a wide variety of media reflect on the construction of culture, the places they inhabit, and how to reimagine belonging and exclusion in a critique of the so-called “American Dream.”
“ME in a(ME)rica” is curated by WEDAPEPO, a collective of conceptual, interdisciplinary, transnational artists, who seek a more inclusive definition of “America.”
“ME in a(ME)rica” is on view until July 29, 2024.
Helia is also showing in “Excursions” at the Berkeley Art Center, on view until July 29, 2023, and “Selvedge” at Foyer-LA, on view until July 22, 2023.