Student Profile

Victor Diaz Zapanta
Designer for a financial regulatory agency, CFPB

Victor Diaz Zapanta (B.A. 2006), an early Technocultural Studies student, is featured in an article in the Washingtonion blog on March 5, 2014. Zapanta currently works in Washington, D.C., where he is Senior Designer at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Working in digital media, I spend my days thinking of elegant, accessible solutions to complicated problems. Because we’re a startup of sorts, I’ve worn many different hats, from designer and developer to video producer and photographer. It’s a unique space within government, and the opportunity to jump in and out of a wide variety of projects is perfect for my oftentimes ADD nature.

—Victor Zapanta, Washingtonian, 3/5/2014

Read the complete article, “What I Wear to Work: Designer Victor Zapanta,” to find out more about Zapanta’s style and the work he is doing.

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