Professor Burnett publishes new article on the Global Tea Initiative
Professor Katharine Burnett’s recent publication, “UC Davis Global Tea Institute Professional Tea Certificate Program, 2023–2024,” was published in the World Green Tea Association bulletin Ryokucha(Vol. 54, March 2024, pp. 45–46; Japanese translation, “カリフォルニア大学 デービス校 世界茶文化科学研究所 2023-2024年 茶専門家認定プログラム”;).
In this article, Professor Burnett discusses the Professional Tea Certificate Program, 2023–2024 which introduces key aspects of the tea industry. This course was developed at the request of members of the international tea industry who realized that if their staff were better educated, they would be better equipped to address a wide variety of issues in the tea industry.
Read her article (English translation) here.