General information

Winter Quarter, 2017

Course Description

AHI 001B: Medieval to Renaissance Art (4)

Lecture—3 hours; discussion—1 hour. Christian, Barbarian, Moslem, and Classical traditions in European Art from the fourth through the sixteenth centuries.

GE credit: ArtHum | AH, VL, WC.

Course Description

AHI 025: Understanding Architecture (4)

Lecture—3 hours; discussion-1 hour. Development of architecture and urban design; how form, space, order are conceived and used across eras and cultures.  Examines the function and organization of space, technological problems of construction, visual qualities of architecture, and social issues connected to architecture.

GE credit:  ArtHum, AH, DD, VL, WC

Course Description

AHI 155: The Islamic City (4)

Lecture—3 hour; term paper. Prerequisite: course 1E recommended. Introduction to the urban history of the Islamic world. Includes critical study of the historiography of the Islamic city, development of urban form, institutions and rituals, and analysis of selected themes.

GE credit: ArtHum, Div, Wrt. AH, VL.

Course Description

AHI 173: Roman Art and Architecture (4)

Lecture—3 hours; term paper. Art and architecture of Rome and the Roman Empire, from the founding of Rome through the fourth century C.E.  (Same course as Classics 173.) Offered in alternate years.

GE credit: ArtHum, Wrt | AH, VL, WE.

Course Description

AHI 187: Contemporary Architecture (4)

Lecture—3 hours; term paper. Prerequisite: course 25 and/or course 184 recommended.  Introduction to world architecture and urban design since circa 1966.  Relation of influential styles, buildings, and architects to postmodern debates and to cultural, economic, technological and environmental change.  Offered in alternate years.

GE credit: ArtHum, Div, Wrt | AH, VL, WE.

Course Description

AHI 189: Photography in History (4)

Lecture/Discussion—4 hours. Social, cultural, aesthetic and technical developments in the history of photography including patronage and reception, commercial, scientific, political and artistic applications, and a critical-theoretical inquiry into photography’s impact on the social category “art” and the history of subjectivity.

GE credit: AH, VL.

Course Description

AHI 190B/250: Seminar in Medieval Art (4)

Lecture/discussion—3 hours; term paper. Prerequisite: Art History major, minor, or other significant training in Art History recommended. Class size limited to 25 students; for majors, minors, other advanced students.  Study of a broad problem or theoretical issue in art, architecture, or material culture. Intensive reading, discussion, research, writing. Topics (B) Medieval, GE credit: ArtHum| AH, OL, VL, WE. May be repeated two times for credit when topic differs.

Course Description

AHI 190F/290: Seminar in Chinese Art (4)

Lecture/discussion—3 hours; term paper. Prerequisite: Art History major, minor, or other significant training in Art History recommended. Class size limited to 25 students; for majors, minors, other advanced students.  Study of a broad problem or theoretical issue in art, architecture, or material culture. Intensive reading, discussion, research, writing.

Instructors: Katharine Burnett

GE credit: ArtHum| AH, OL, VL, WE. May be repeated two times for credit when topic differs.

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